Erin Polich
Post Assistant
Erin embraces their role as Lighthouse’s Post Assistant with a blend of serene confidence and quick wit. Thriving on the diverse challenges of post-production, they can be found honing their technical craft through a multitude of assistant editing relating tasks - Whether it’s logging and organizing or creating selects and stringing out - Erin’s capacity for understanding complex workflows and executing with a calm demeanor are just some of the reasons they are a next level asset.
Erin has also filled the shoes of “in-house asset Archivist” in addition to providing integral support for our remote editing infrastructure and operations.When not in Lighthouse’s post wing, our master hat-wearer, finds solace and camaraderie in the immersive realms of fantasy RPGs and adventures of D&D, where they find boundless opportunities for storytelling and shared experiences with friends.